Mindfulness is the clarity that arises when the fog lifts from our mind, revealing this moment just as it is... unique, unfettered, and whole... whether pleasant, unpleasant, or neutral.

-Mickie Brown

Often, the lens of our perception becomes clouded by stress, overwhelm, and busyness, leaving us unbalanced and unhappy. Mindfulness offers the opportunity to respond to the world in a new way. As a mindfulness-trained healthcare professional, I am skilled at helping you navigate the unique circumstances of your life as it unfolds. Together, we identify the challenges and stressors that impact you most.

Through a lens of mindfulness and compassion, we incorporate scientifically validated mindfulness practices and "on-the-spot" tools to help you respond to life rather than react. In essence, we clear the lens of perception, allowing you to be present with your life as it evolves and to embrace challenges rather than resist them.

By working with the physiology of the body and brain, we uncover ways to shift habitual patterns, fostering greater attunement with those you care about and the work you aim to accomplish. As these patterns shift and clarity deepens, you will feel more grounded, stable, and less stressed.

Make stress work for you

Stress is pervasive in our society, and a certain amount of it can actually be beneficial. Stress activates our Sympathetic nervous system (Fight, Flight, Fawn, or Freeze), which, for some, can energize and inspire us to achieve things that might otherwise seem impossible. For others, this "high alert" or "red zone" state triggers immobilization (freeze) or appeasement (fawn) to diffuse conflict and restore a sense of safety.

Stress becomes problematic when we lack the tools to rebalance our nervous system and shift into Parasympathetic (Rest and Digest) mode. Mindfulness offers tools to help identify your stressors and create a plan to respond to them so that stress works FOR you, not against you. This is the essence of our work together.

Meet Mickie

As an independent consultant, Mickie divides her time between the World Trade Center Health Program (WTCHP) at Mount Sinai Health Center (New York, NY) and her private practice, teaching Mindfulness for Mount Sinai Calm, Graduate Medical Education in addition to individuals and groups.

  • "Mickie has a natural gift of sharing the teachings of MBSR. Her knowledge of mindfulness is endless and her way of teaching is easy to follow and retain. Mickie creates a safe environment for participants of all different backgrounds and levels to safely explore the many gifts that mindfulness meditation has to offer."


  • "Mickie brings such wisdom and compassion to her teaching and is an incredible teacher of this powerful concept in living. I will remember these lessons always. She embodies the work and serves as a wonderful role model to myself and all who she touches."


  • "The MBSR coarse was incredible. Mickie was amazing. I have never learned so much in a class. It was life changing for me. My relationships are better…..my life is richer. I am so much more grateful. Mickie is a truly wonderful leader and mentor."


  • "Mickie’s MBSR course helped me to open my eyes to areas of my life and my daily routine that I didn’t know existed. Throughout the course I felt myself getting lighter and lighter with increased awareness of my choices and how I choose to go through my day."


Get started with Mickie, today.