“Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind.”

~ Rudyard Kipling

Mickie has given countless workshops and presentations on Mindfulness. Details such as length of time, interaction and practice periods are tailored to individual clients. Mickie’s presentations are engaging and informative as she enthusiastically reviews the historical roots and scientific evidence of mindfulness along with the rationale for formal and informal practice. By the end of a presentation or workshop, participants typically understand how to incorporate mindfulness tools into every moment of every day. 

Introduction to Mindfulness

Provides an overview of the historical roots of mindfulness including how mindfulness has become a “buzz” word in the western world.  Advances in neuroscience have allowed western science to demonstrate the benefits of this ancient practice so that today mindfulness is an accepted modality in western medicine. We review the growth of evidence as well as the types of practice.

By the end of the session, participants will understand what mindfulness is and how to incorporate it into their day - moment to moment.

Mindfulness: An Evidence-based Practice for Stress Reduction in Health Care

This is a popular presentation for health care providers working within the growing demands of the healthcare system today. With Mickie’s many years of experience in healthcare as a nurse and an administrator, she understands the demands on the healthcare provider all too well. This presentation flows from types of stress to benefits of mindfulness in working with stressors to scientific evidence for mindfulness and compassion in health care today. By the end of the session, participants will understand the scientific benefits of incorporating mindfulness and compassion into their life as a way to reduce their risk for burnout that is so prevalent in healthcare today.


Simple Ways to be More Present and Less Stressed in Everyday Life

This presentation has been popular with social workers/therapists/surgeons trying to find ways to be more present and less stressed during their long and intensely busy days. The focus is on how to use the physiology of the body to implement practices to bring the mind and body into the present moment…this moment right NOW! Scientific evidence shows that we spend so much time in automatic pilot mode and although at times this is beneficial, it has also been shown to increase our stress level and reduce our happiness and efficacy in the work that we do. By the end of the session, participants have several short, simple mindfulness tools to choose from so that they can truly thrive rather than just survive.

Mindfulness, MBSR and Chronic Pain: An Overview

Chronic pain is a global epidemic reported to affect more than 1.5 billion people worldwide and the incidence rate is increasing in parallel with the aging population. Our relationship with pain and illness begins in the mind and so this is a logical place to go to develop a healthier relationship with chronic pain. This presentation is popular with therapists as often chronic pain is one of the elements that propel patients into therapy. By the end of the session, participants understand the myriad of evidence-based practices and tools available to them through a mindfulness lens in addressing this complex and challenging health problem.